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Managed Subscription Service

Managing the multitude of services, with the varying terms and overlapping functions can be a full time job, and keeping track of where your critical data resides, who has access and where the backups are is a challenge. 

Our Managed Subscription Service brings that all together under one central umbrella to ensure you get what you pay for in one itemised monthly account.


When reviewing your invoice, the following serves to explain each service on your account.  As always we are happy to explain further and to review services as your needs change.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 services, typically Outlook, Word, Excel and other online services. Payments are monthly in arrears, with contract options of Casual, 12-month or 36-month contracts. 

In 2022 Microsoft introduced the 'New Commerce Experience'. Some services have been significant price increases, and new commitment term discounts have been made available. As a result getting the right 365 subscription for your business is now a complex exercise and one that we will assist you with.


This add-on to the Microsoft 365 system ensures that every email is sent with the standard signature block attached.

In the past you would edit your signature block in Outlook and it would appear as you type your message.  Today, you could be sending emails from the office desktop, your personal laptop, your mobile or any number of other devices and maintaining the signature on every device you use is impossible.  

The signature policy manager attaches the signature based on company rules to every outgoing email.  Marketing messages can be attached as well, making your communication always appear professional and with the correct contact details every time.


Anti-Virus packages stop malicious code from running on your device, however with the increase in online activity they are no longer enough.  We have a range of products that protect your staff and your network from unwanted activity, however the importance of staff training and vigilance can not be underestimated so we have included this service also.

Antivirus: Protects against unwanted code running on your devices

Web Protection: Guard against malicious websites trying to steal your logins, identity and information.

Training: Staff need to be trained to spot fraudulent emails and activity that automated systems have not yet detected.


Nobody needs a backup!  That's a bold statement because the important part has been left off.  You don't need a backup, you need a disaster recovery plan.  The backup is only part of the solution, unless it is tested regularly, monitored constantly and able to be recovered under stressful circumstances then your backups are worthless.

We work with our customer to determine what is an acceptable time for recovery (outage), how much recent data can be lost (loss window), and how far back (retention).  An example policy might look like the following:

Retention: 90 days | Loss Window: Last 60 minutes | Recovery - Single Directory/File(s) - 2 hours, Total System Loss - 2 business days

Server Licensing

Servers need to be licensed and there are many ways of getting valid licenses, from the traditional perpetual license through to the modern monthly pay-as-you-use programs. This is another complex area where the individual circumstances of each customers environment determine what the most cost effective licensing model is.

The Computer Guys (TCG) Services

Our services are what we bring to the table, ensuring that all the hardware is operational, staff are able to access the required resources, and all the subscription services are in place. Generally our services cover specific areas and fall into one of three broad categories

Maintenance: We apply updates/patches and configuration changes behind the scenes to keep your systems online without interrupting your staff.

Support: Staff call to report something not working as expected.  Even with everything being monitored, sometimes equipment fails unexpectedly or a change has occurred that now impacts other staff.

Helpdesk: This covers the 'How do I....' questions where nothing is broken but you just can't work out how to do something. To google or not to google?  Sometimes it is easier to ask one of our team and know you will get an expert response.

Domain Marketing Authentication Service

Sending emails is easy, getting them into the inbox and read is hard, especially when you are doing email marketing.  With the prevalence of spam many mail servers now apply a credibility score to incoming messages and either reject the message, or send it to the spam folder unless it gets a high credibility score.  

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) is a monthly service that constantly monitors your domain reputation and blocks fraudulent senders which giving credibility to your mail server, web server, marketing service and another systems that send emails from your domain.

If you only send emails to clients and suppliers on an individual conversation basis from your devices then you probably don't require this service yet.  If you use external services (Xero, Line-of-Business apps, Mailchimp, etc) and send messages in bulk then you need this service to get the message to the inbox.

Domain Name Renewals

Your domain name (mybusiness.co.nz) is your public address on the internet and usually is renewed yearly. We manage the registrations, renewals and configuration of your domain name(s) in all registries (.NZ, .AU, .UK, .COM, etc.) to ensure reliable communication at all times.

This is as important as your property title and should be managed with equal security, sadly we have seen some customers loose control of the brand by not having the domain name managed properly.